Friday, January 18, 2013

Bugfix: Keyboard input causing toggles of media player.

(Update 1/19/2013 1:20 AM) Just got confirmation that the release was certified and should hit the store early this morning.


So after release 7 was pushed to the store I found a new bug that relates to using the keyboard and having the screen flash back and forth to the media player during some text entry. This occurs when certain conditions are met and I have already submitted a fixed version (Release 8) to the store which I hope will show up tonight. The software is still fully functional, it may just act a little weird if your computer has certain conditions met. I apologize for the inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience in waiting for the update.


  1. Nice update.
    There is an error when saving a playlist, but maybe it auto-saves it so it shows an error because it is already there? The error message doesn't specify.

    1. Meant to state that the playlist does exist even though the error shows up.

    2. Interesting. Are you saving a brand new playlist or one that you had before? I will take a look at the save code again and see. Sometimes there can be access denied errors to overwrite files or to save them places like on the desktop, but you said it does save the updated playlist correctly?
