Version History: LCARS Simulator [Windows Phone]

This page will keep track of what changes are in each version of LCARS Simulator that hits the Windows Phone Store. If you haven't updated the program in a while, this page will let you find out about all the new features that you might not have found yet!

Release 2 (Current):
  • Updated Settings menu to more closely match Windows 8 Settings page.
  • Added ability to select Voyager Red Alert sound in addition to TNG.
  • Nemesis theme will now have the proper button sounds instead of using the standard ones.
  • Minor bug fixes to the game.

Release 1: Initial Release

1 comment:

  1. Man I end up in the weirdest places. I saw the app in the windows app store, and not much else. Kind of weird to just leave a blog not updated for your years. But hardly anyone reads them anyways. Kind of like a thing from the past like myspace. Look forward to trying out your app.
