Monday, September 16, 2013

LCARS Interface [Windows Phone] Release 5 is now Available!

Some of you may have already come across the new update to the Windows Phone version of LCARS Interface. Both Windows Phone 7 and Windows Phone 8 will have this update!

This update brings a couple of new things to this app. Most notably, you now have the ability to create an icon for each of the modules contained within the app. These icons become pinned to your Start screen and allow much quicker access to each individual module instead of having to go through the main interface each time. It was a little tedious to have to open the app, click "Access" and then click "Calculator" every time you wanted to add a few numbers up. Now you can simply create a tile for the Calculator and with one tap on your Start screen, you are ready to go! Pressing "Back" after that will return you to the main interface. Having this capability will remove the downside of having everything wrapped into one app that previously required you to open the main interface first. Now they can be treated as individual apps, and you can customize your Start screen to have much more of a LCARS feel to it!

Now your Start screen can look like this:
Every new module that we add will have this capability as well! Adding these tiles is completely optional, so the app will be able to operate normally if you do not desire this new functionality and prefer your Start screen to be less cluttered. You can also choose whether or not you want text to show below the tiles. For the main LCARS Interface tile this is not possible, but for the secondary tiles for the individual modules, it will ask you when you go to create them.
How do you create them? Simply open up the "Settings" in the app, and select "Tiles." Then simply tap on the button for the module you wish to pin just as you would select it from the main menu. These tiles can obviously be removed at any time.
Also in this update is a revamped GUI for recording Audio logs. Previously this was very basic. Now it is properly LCARS. We also did some more work to optimize and enhance the transition animations. We will be looking to raise the bar even further in the near future to make the whole UI feel more alive! We are in the process of acquiring some new hardware that will allow us to more accurately test lower powered devices so we can make sure the experience is great for everyone. So far we have been "playing it safe" as not adding too much to make sure there were not performance issues. We have quite a bit in the pipeline for Windows Phone, so stay tuned!

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